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7 Activities to Implement Into Your Morning

Are you trying to implement some activities into your morning routine to boost your productivity each day? Here at Manzanilla Sophia, we want to help improve the quality of your day. So, we came up with 7 tactics to make every day a great day!

woman exercising in the morning for the manzanilla sophia blog
Fit in a quick workout

Early exercise will help you start your day with more energy, focus, and optimism. Plus, after a morning workout, you’re more likely to eat healthily and stay active throughout the day. Why would you not want to set yourself up for success on your other goals? The exercise will help with the synergy of the majority of your health-related tasks/goals.

woman doing yoga in pajamas for the manzanilla sophia blog
Take a moment to stretch

Stretching first thing in the morning can relieve any tension or pain from sleeping the night before. It also helps increase your blood flow and prepares your body for the day ahead. Stretching before bed relaxes your muscles and helps prevent you from waking up with more pain. Your lower back will thank you, it’s a stress reliever, it increases your mobility, it improves your posture, and you’ll have fewer aches and pains. Who doesn’t want these benefits?

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Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea

Yes, everyone does it, but why? Drinking coffee and tea, like Manzanilla Tea, is a great way to give your senses a jolt in the morning. That energy boost comes from their caffeine content, a natural stimulant. Caffeine stimulates your brain by blocking the neurotransmitter called adenosine. Give your day a kickstart!

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Prepare a healthy breakfast

Another simple task that works wonders for your health is eating breakfast. Eating breakfast may help your heart, digestion, bones, and more to meet dietary guidelines! Adults and kids who skip breakfast tend to have higher blood cholesterol levels, a risk factor for heart disease, than do breakfast eaters. A healthier heart, who doesn’t want that?

woman organizing ideas on sticky notes for the manzanilla sophia blog
Prioritize important tasks

Starting your day with your most important task gives you the certainty that you can get it done without being distracted by other things or people. The morning time is seemingly always yours, and if it’s not, you can adjust it by waking up earlier to make this time yours. Me-time is vital!

woman looking in the mirror for the manzanilla sophia blog
Say positive affirmations

The way you view and love yourself is crucial to your success. Affirmations can help strengthen self-worth by boosting your opinion of yourself and confidence in your ability to achieve your goals. They can also help counter the feelings of panic, stress, and self-doubt that often accompany anxiety. You can write them down or tell them to yourself in the mirror, tailor it how you want!

woman working on the computer for the manzanilla sophia blog
Read an industry blog post or a book

Stay up to date on industry trends to set yourself apart professionally and inspire your work. Take a few minutes each morning to catch up on the news from a credible source to build your industry insight. Your boss, colleagues, and clients will thank you! A simple task like this can propel you into an industry thought leader.

You can choose which tactics you implement into your morning routine, but we recommend adding all of them if possible. Yes, you may have to go to bed earlier to wake up earlier, but the benefits will speak for themselves in how your body and you feel every day. Give them a try!

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