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Planning a Family Vacation on a Budget

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Taking a family vacation can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you have a tight budget or just want to save some money, Manzanilla Sophia has gathered some fantastic tips to keep the cost of your vacation low and the fun high.

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Choose a motive and set a budget:

Why do you want to take your family on vacation? Are you looking to learn something new, relax, visit a new country, go to a theme park, take your kids to a place you love, or simply get out of the usual routine. Whatever your reason is, stick with it and set a budget to make your vacation a reality.

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Now that you know what you want to do and where to go, it is time to look for a stay. There are many options for low-cost stays and one of the easiest ones, if you own a home, is house swapping. House swapping means simply that; temporarily swapping your home for someone else’s. You look for other homeowners who want to vacation in your town, and you trade homes for a selected length of time. You can spend a month in England drinking fresh chamomile tea while the family you swapped with learns about American traditions.

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Hostels are another affordable way to stay in new towns and cities. The days of hostels being tiny, filthy dorms are over. Today, hostels have evolved, and some have great rooms at unbelievable prices. Aside from the shared rooms in hostels, you can now book private cabins and rooms. Private cabins in hostels usually equal or exceed the quality of standard villas and hotel rooms at a portion of their rates. On top of that, you get the cultural experience of meeting other travelers.

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Use your social network:

Don’t feel like having strangers at home or staying in a hostel? Ask your social circle if they can accommodate you. Friends in other states often leave town for weeks and would love it if you stayed in their home to watch the dogs, cats, or water their plants. Make a post on your social media channels or send private messages to your close circle asking, “Hey, would love to take the family somewhere, can we stay with any of you? Willing to compensate.” You may be surprised at how many invitations you may receive.

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Invite another family:

Take a multi-family vacation. Renting a luxury home isn’t so bad when there are five rooms and a big kitchen for both families to split. Splitting fees with another family can ease things up financially. Also, having two sets of parents can be great as you can take turns watching the kids. The children will also have more fun with their friends around.

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Off-season travel:

Another great way to save money is by traveling off-season. By choosing to vacation off-season, you will be saving money while also beating the crowds. Save as much as 30-50% by traveling this way. Yes, one or two attractions in the area may be closed, but being able to experience things at your own pace and with little people around will make up for it. Do not forget to pack our chamomile eye drops to keep your eyes soothed and refreshed during long driving days.

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Last-minute deals:

Some apps and websites offer last-minute deals. Essentially, hotels are willing to make a quick buck on rooms that have not and would not otherwise be booked. These rooms can be excellent at times, and they’re just fine at other times. It is a gamble. But for the budget traveler, it is a great trick. Teach your children the value of resilience and preparedness by taking them on a last-minute vacation.

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National and State parks plus Public Lands:

Visit a National or State Park. Most National Parks do not have an entrance fee, and others only charge between $10-$35. The Bureau of Land Management has over 245 million acres of public land reserved for outdoor usage. Simply visit their website, find a state with public land you’d like to visit, and plan a quick camping trip at virtually no cost other than gas and food. If you love wildflowers and views, head to the northwest and take a hike amongst the many wildflower fields. Carry a small jar or basket to gather wild fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, currants, and wild chamomile.

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Free museum day:

Have a few days left without any activities? You can fill them out with free museum days. Most museums have free days. Google the ones around your destination and plan a visit on a free day. If you need more help on how to pack for your vacation or preparing meals, check some of our other blogs on our website.

We hope you enjoyed the list and would love to see what you plan for your family. Use the hashtag #ManzanillaSophia to show us where your family adventures took you to.

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