The meaning behind celebrations is what makes those special occasions, well, special. Many families have their own traditions during Holidays, but what really fosters a strong bond, is creating your own personal family traditions. Kids look forward to Christmas because of Santa, Easter because of egg hunts, and Halloween because they get to dress up and trick or treat. Though all these traditions will create fond memories, having your kids remember something specific to traditions or routines they did with their family, will be the greatest treasure they keep in their memories when they’re older. It’s tricky trying to figure out what exactly to do, which is why we want to share a few ideas to get you started!

Conduct Birthday Interviews
This yearly tradition creates the most memorable time lapse. Each year, on your kid’s birthday, sit them down and ask them a couple of questions. Ask about their favorite thing to do, favorite color, or any goals they have in the future. Then, put all the clips together as the years go by. Playing this video back every year and with each added memory. It will show you how much your kids have changed and grown over time. It is a keepsake that can continue on even with grandchildren and a great memory to look back on.

Ditch Days
We know what this sounds like, but it’s okay for a kid to get a free pass on school every once in a while as long as they’re on track with all their work. The amount of ditch days per year or semester depends on you as a parent and your schedule, but these days are meant to relieve stress and have quality time built with your child. Make these a parent and me day by planning fun activities, going to yummy places to eat, or just having a play day. We all need a break every once in a while from our routine so this is a tradition that can benefit you and your kid!

Movie Night + Take Out
Quality time is the main point of most of these traditions and if you prefer staying in, what better way to do that than a movie night with takeout. Forget about cooking and cleaning and order something the whole family loves, pizza is always the go-to. As a family, pick out your favorite movie, it can depend on what season of the year you’re in, or go with PG-13 comedy, but sit down and enjoy your favorite food and your family. Doing this a couple of times a month or making this a weekly thing will give you and your family something cozy to look forward to.

Family Game Days
The sport depends on your family’s favorite thing to play. Whether it be soccer, football, or baseball, you name it! We all grow up around different activities, but usually, we also pass those activities on to our kids. So, if you’re looking to get some fresh air, have a picnic, and get active, plan a game day with your family and friends. Make teams, even get shirts, and make it fun. This is a good alternative to a movie night if you love spending time outside, but you can always mix it up and do both!

Love Jars
We all need a little reminder every once in a while of how much we’re loved. Whether it be because we’re having a really hard day or just want to know! Make a jar for each member of your family, even the pet! Every week or so have everyone write something they love about each other and put it in their designated jars. You can choose to open your love notes right away, or when you emotionally need them. Sometimes we can’t always be physically present to remind someone what we love about them and they may not always let it be known that they need to hear it, which is why we love the idea of these jars and we’re sure you will too.

Spa Days
One of the best things to do with your family is just relaxing. What better way to do that than with a family spa day! Weekly or monthly, treating you and your kids to some face masks and cucumber eye patches serves all parties involved well. This also builds a self-care habit for your kids that they can take and develop into their routine as they’re older. One thing many people forget about is taking care of your eyes. Even young children nowadays have tablets and laptops they use daily at school and dirt or pollen they have to deal with during recess. Using an all-natural homeopathic eye drop remedy will cleanse and refresh your eyes. Manzanilla Sophia uses all-natural ingredients and is extremely safe to use on young children as well. Flush away debris and make our chamomile eye drops part of your new family tradition!
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